
Older adults who get physical can lower their heart disease risk

Posted on August 30, 2018 - “The 60 to 64 age range represents an important transition between work and retirement, when lifestyle behaviors tend to change. It may, therefore, be an opportunity to promote increased physical activity.” The American Heart Association provides new proof that it’s vital to get up and about as we grow older.

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The Benefit of Stretching: It’s More Than You Thought

Posted on August 28, 2018 - Most of us know we should do some stretches before exercising. Some people begin their routine by holding a series of poses; others use specific movements that stretch the muscles. Stretching helps warm up our muscles and limber our joints so we’ll be less likely to injure ourselves during our workout. Stretching after an exercise session is also advised, to prevent soreness and stiffness as we cool down.

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A Single Brain Injury Increases Risk of Dementia

Posted on August 23, 2018 - Even a single brain injury can raise the amount of a dementia-associated protein in the brain, say researchers from the University of Glasgow.

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Organizing Your Important Records in the Digital Age

Posted on August 20, 2018 - Too often we need a piece of information when we are least able to access it—during a medical emergency, at a doctor’s appointment, when meeting with a lawyer, or during a hospital admission. So, it makes sense to get organized ahead of time by pulling the information you may need into a convenient inventory.

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When should seniors with dementia stop driving?

Posted on August 16, 2018 - While there are no set criteria for determining when a person with Alzheimer's disease should be prevented from driving, there are warning signs. Keep in mind that in some states, driving privileges are based on the stage of the disease assigned by the physician. University of California Berkeley School of Public Health experts recommend applying the “grandchild test” when deciding whether a loved one with dementia is safe behind the wheel.

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