
Read This Before Those Holiday Toasts

Posted on December 19, 2017 - Waking up on New Year’s Day, we might feel motivated to add “Don’t drink so much” to our list of resolutions. Especially as we grow older, alcohol can be very dangerous, during the holidays or any time. To learn more, check out “Read This Before Those Holiday Toasts.”

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Yoga Reduces Fall Risk

Posted on December 14, 2017 - University of Wisconsin experts found that yoga classes could reduce participants’ fall risk by 48 percent.

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What About Those New Blood Pressure Recommendations?

Posted on December 12, 2017 - Do you have “prehypertension”? Not any more, says a group of experts. The American Heart Association recently raised their estimate of people in the U.S. who have high blood pressure from one-third to almost half. What happened? To learn more, read “What About Those New Blood Pressure Recommendations?”

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Socializing Supports Brain Health

Posted on December 7, 2017 - Want to protect your memory as you age? Cultivate and nourish your friendships, says a Northwestern University researcher.

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Keep Pets Safe During the Holidays

Posted on December 5, 2017 - When we think about a holiday that might not be pet friendly, most of us probably think of the Fourth of July. But an expert veterinarian tells us that the winter holidays, too, offer some perils for Fido and Fluffy. To make sure that they don’t face anything more humiliating than wearing a Santa hat, read “Keep Pets Safe During the Holidays.”

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