
If a Loved One Is Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, Can Family Talk to the Doctor?

Posted on February 21, 2019 - In the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease, a senior and their family may be in denial, chalking up memory lapses and personality changes to “just getting older.” A recent study from Johns Hopkins Medicine revealed that over half of people with dementia have never been diagnosed, or told about their diagnosis! But we shouldn’t bury our head in the sand. The earlier that Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed, the more time the person and family have to begin putting financial, legal and care planning in place.

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Be Warned: These Well-Intended Comments Are Actually Ageist

Posted on February 19, 2019 - Younger people—and some older folks—may mean well when they make certain “complimentary” comments. But AARP’s Disrupt Aging column thinks “My grandma is so cute,” “You don’t look 65” and even “You look great” can feel demeaning.

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Nearly half of all U.S. adults have some form of cardiovascular disease

Posted on February 14, 2019 - February is American Heart Month. The American Heart Association has just reported that 48 percent of American adults have some type of cardiovascular disease—yet almost 80 percent of these cases could be prevented with lifestyle choices!

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Noise Pollution Can Harm Our Hearts

Posted on February 12, 2019 - February is American Heart Month, a great time to learn more about things that are good for our hearts … and things that aren’t! Did you know that people who live near noisy highways and airports are at higher risk of cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and stroke?

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“I Quit Smoking … But Now I’m Gaining Weight!”

Posted on February 7, 2019 - People who resolved to quit smoking for 2019 should give themselves a big round of applause if they’ve made it to February! But when they step on the scale, they might find that their weight has started to creep upward. Should they worry? Learn about a reassuring new study in “I Quit Smoking … But Now I’m Gaining Weight!”

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