Clothed with God's Power

Published on May 25, 2020

In Luke’s final resurrection story, the risen Christ reminds his disciples of their need for another kind of PPE, too. “Wait in Jerusalem,” he tells them, “until you are clothed with power from on high.”

Like the disciples, we need to be clothed with God’s power, especially in this time. Whether we’re on the front lines in a hospital ICU, stocking groceries at a supermarket, or sheltering in place in our apartments or homes, we need to be clothed with the power of God’s love that overcomes despair. Clothed with the power of God’s peace that calms our anxious spirits. Clothed with the power of God’s compassion to stay open to the needs of others. Clothed with the power of God’s wisdom to know what we must do, and clothed with the power of God’s courage to do it. Most of all, we need to be clothed with the power of God’s presence that holds us, comforts us, connects us even in isolation and quarantine.

We need God’s PPE right now. Whether at home in our pajamas or clad in scrubs, masks, and gloves, we need to let God wrap us in power and hope, love and wisdom this day. Every day.

God, remind us to pray every morning for you to clothe us all with your power, wisdom, and love. Amen.
Daily Devotionals, Talitha Arnold, Sr. minister, United Church of Santa Fe

Source: Lutheran Homes of South Carolina with Talitha Arnold, Sr. minister, United Church of Santa Fe