
Remembering Dr. King

Posted on January 15, 2024 - Today let us all take a moment to remember a great American hero who had a dream and knew that acceptance and unity will always overcome rejection and divisiveness. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was not only a dedicated minister of the word, but also a visionary and transformative leader who helped our country leap forward and acknowledge that racism and hate hurts everyone not just those who are subjected to it. When he said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that,” it reminds us of the words of Paul in Romans 12:21 where he preaches “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

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The Value of Volunteering in Our Later Years

Posted on January 11, 2024 - As we journey through life, the significance of purpose and connection often becomes more evident, particularly in our senior years. Volunteering emerges as a beacon of opportunity for older adults, offering a multitude of benefits that extend far beyond the act of giving back. This selfless act enriches not just the lives of others, but their own as well.

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Hearing aids may help people live longer

Posted on January 9, 2024 - Want to live longer? Get your hearing checked. Hearing aids may help people live longer.

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After the Holidays—Do Your Parents Need Help?

Posted on January 4, 2024 - After the holidays, many of us return to our daily routines after spending quality time with family. During these reunions—and reflecting on them—we may recognize changes in our parents. And, while it’s normal for people to evolve over time, sometimes changes indicate a need for additional help.

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Ways for Seniors to Reduce loneliness and Social Isolation

Posted on January 2, 2024 - Chronic loneliness can damage your health as much as smoking. Experts share tips for creating social connections.

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